Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stillwater Trout

Well, for the Chronicle this is a new adventure. Previously I was truly introduced to fly fishing one day when a group of my friends took me to a group of lakes know as Big 4. Actually a lot of what was learned that day is still with me today. After which my fly fishing adventures took me away to such exotic locations as So-Cal, Wyoming, Montana, Nor-Cal, etc. Since moving back to the old college day home town new options have opened up to me never before known.

One of which is stillwater. It must be confessed at first a little bit of judgment was leveled upon this kick boat mafia members, but last week the toes were dipped so to speak. Somewhat unnerving to take that first shove backwards into the deep blue and see the bottom quickly disappear beneath. Now of all the adventures to date the stealhead has gotten under the skin, but stillwater is itching its own itch.

A lake presents all sorts of new problems to a dry fly addict such as me. It is fun, lately I have been working my vice red hot with new patterns never before seen. An uncommon advantage has help. All my local fishing buddies from the college days have not left and in order to scratch the fishing itch an extreme amount of leg work has been put in and some real time tested and proven patterns are at my finger tips.

What patterns you ask well, in the world of stillwater the patterns are of a holy grail the likes of stealheaders, and more so than those secrets of the dry fly fishermen.

So trip two is fast approaching and the location is not yet determined, but the targets will be either big lahontan cutthroat, a native to Nevada/California, but now planted here in Eastern Washington or triploid rainbows.

My fly box needs some more attention. Be back soon.

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