Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Let this wet your appetite!

By now you might be asking...


WHAT is that in the background Scotty...

Young children may want to look away...

The allusive double shot...can you pick out the wild fish out to the line up. A clue...there are two!

By now you can tell why the look in our faces...

How sweet it is to have friends! Peace you all. ROOKIES. Now a new annual trip, only this one takes place on consecutive weekends in Oct/Nov! The days in between don't count, they are only recovery period.

Look forward to seeing you all soon.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pre Trip Prep

I know it did not take me long to find a way to go fishing upon arrival. I would have gone the day after arriving, but the trip took a bit more time then expected. So one short week after arriving I will be taking maybe a last Stealhead trip of the year (depends on weather). This time we will be taking camping gear and staying over night (BURRRR). Never fear we are prepared.

In taking inventory while packing for the trip I became very aware of how unorganized my fishing gear was after the summer. It is funny, but it seems that at the beginning of each season the gear is all in its place clean, neat, organized, and present. Now on the other hand I had to go and search for stuff and found most of it, but some was left behind in Montana. I guess because I really was not planning on needing it until returning next summer.

Nonetheless, plans changed. We have since lost jobs, like everyone else, moved to Walla Walla and now I need my fishing gear. Lesson hear, always pack your fishing gear with you wherever you go.

The Stealhead box has plenty of flies in it, but it never fails each new trip brings anticipation and panic that you may not have enough. In this case it led me to scrounge around in the garage full of boxes, rubbermaid containers, and a washer/dryer to find tying materials. What I came up with was some Prince Nymphs tied heavy and flashing. The patterns are tied in different colors as an experiment. Not so sure that this is the time for experiments, but I could not help it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Flyfish Journal

Well it could not have come at a better time. It has been about two months since arriving back in Bay Area from guiding in Montana and a slight amount of cabin fever began to set in. Not because weather is cold or there is lack of activities, but because I just got word that the Steal is in fact in the river. On Saturday the crew had a banner day of absolutely horrible fishing. Only 37 were landing between the three who went and numerous other were lost. Stealhead fishing is like that.

So after, living vicariously through the crew from the Bay Area I check the mail today and what did my little eyes see - my brand-spank me-new issue number 1 of The Flyfish Journal. It is truly a work of art. Not only is the cover a high gloss photo, but the issue inside, in no less impressive. The photography is great and I have only been able to leaf through drooling over the the pictures. If you writing is even half as good this new magazine may just be the next best thing. No disrespect to my favorite read: Northwest Fly Fishing, but I am impressed. Take a look it is really cool

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saving For a Rainy Day

This is not what you think. Do not get me wrong saving for a rainy day is a very important concept. But unfortunately I know little about money and what it take to make a lot of it.

This rainy day story is about fishing...what else? Once again something significant happened in our summer. The good friends that visited earlier during the Salmon Fly Hatch returned for an early August fishing trip. Typically, August in the Bitterroot Montana, is the time of year when you would or should, rather, be swimming in the river, golfing, eating ice cream at a picnic or whatever not fishing. But...this August day was different. A rare low pressure system bringing a cold front from CALIFORNIA dropped the temperatures from one day to the next by 20 degrees accompanied by rain showers and overcast skies. The rain truly did not hit until later in the day say after 6:00, but the overcast and sprinkles were a consents the entire day.

The day before we chose to gamble with the heat. The Wally the Anglers stretch had not seen much pressure the last few day on account of the heat... dah. Well I think we gambleed to a draw that day. That is to say that we had our chances at some really big fish and also hook a couple of them. So the rumor was that rain was on its way. Ya right. We decide to hit he West Fork of course were else is someone supposed to fish in August?

A funny thing happen the August though, you may have heard lately, the economy! Well I will make a long story short. There is no one on the river! Seriously, we saw two other boats, and they were chauffeur boats. My friends, we had the entire river. Take that back there was one boat in front of us that we saw at Appleberry, but we did not see him the rest of day and better yet he was fishing streamers all day. Sure his client may have caught some big fish, but he did not see them come up to eat on top.

We saw a few on top that day in the rain!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Painted Rock Water?

Well he is another bit of useful information that I think should reach as many hands as possible. http://wapiti-waters.blogspot.com/2009/07/painted-rocks-reservoir-in-bitterroot.html

Enjoy and,


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Some Useful Information

As mentioned in this link: http://wapiti-waters.blogspot.com/2009/07/western-montana-rivers-tips-for-angling.html We did receive a good bit a rain in a couple of day. Nonetheless, it is warming up for sure, so be careful out there. Land fish quickly, take time to wet you hand cooling them to the temperature of the water and revive each fish by fining them in cool oxygenated water.

Be careful and gentle. Take care of the resource.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Guiding Again

Had another trip yesterday. It went well. Picked up the client at the fancy guest ranch on the West Fork then drove up stream to Appleberry access.

It was going to be a nice day. The river is still dropping very fast at this point and fishermen have been waiting not so patiently is some cases for the fishing to really take off. I would say the the fishing is defiantly picking up, but not on fire yet. It is going to be any day now.

Anyway, the bigger fish were eating yesterday and the client certainly had his opportunities early on in the float.

Meanwhile, I keep at it switch fly's a few times, getting response from the fish each time. After a short time of wade fishing we continue the float and arrive at one of the best holes in the river as we approach everything looks great. The boat is set up, the fly's are ready, and so is the client. So we enter the sweet spot and get a good drift through Moose Hole and nothing. You can imagine my surprise. I row out into the back eddy, walk the boat up for another try. Again a perfect set up and this time another perfect drift, but this time closer to the willows. Would you believe it we drift the entire hole again and I begin to think out loud to myself, your kidding, nothing. Then at a the last possible moment, as the fly starts to drag, we get a rise.

This looks good. The client is excited about something. So I drift a little further not really in a hurry, because most times all the excitement a little over done. It was not until I jump out of the boat with the net that I begin to realize what just happened. My eyes can barely believe the fish in the net. It is a baby that runs the length of my net, which when taped is exactly 20".

It was a good day.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Weekend Happenings

Today Curtis, a friend and my college teacher, is coming into town to fish four days. This weekend will be the 5th annual Bitterroot fishing trip. This one is special because his father will be coming with him. To still be camping and fishing at his age is quit the accomplishment. On a sad note I do not think the Kearby is coming this year. Such a chicken.

With any luck the river will drop and the fishing on the main stem will be improved. I will be taking photo's of the weekend so look for that. I would like to figure out the slide show options as well so I can make the photo's a little less cumbersome. I will see what kind of time I have on the busy fishing weekend.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1st Post

This has been a long time coming. I have considered this for a while now and finally I took the plunge. I guess what pushed me over the edge finally was arriving in Montana to guide for the summer only to say goodbye to some dear friends who moved for a new job. Something that I had to do not three years ago.

What was my connection back to the valley and the happens around here is gone, now the roles are reversed and at least during the summer months I can now be the connection back to the valley.

I have had two trips in consecutive days:

Tuesday I nice half day float with family from Park City. From Hannon to Wally the river was beautiful and running real fast. We did do some fishing, but it was difficult. Took out at Lone Pine and continued the float with the family (Mrs. flycaster & willowcaster) the rest of the way to Wally. Lot's of water, bugs, and sun but few fish.

Wednesday another really nice day, but this time on the West Fork. Salmon flies were thick. A lot of fish up, but not many caught. Oh well. We floated from the dam to Appleberry. I think it will continue to fish well for a few more day. Man the boat hatch was even more impressive however.