Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pre Trip Prep

I know it did not take me long to find a way to go fishing upon arrival. I would have gone the day after arriving, but the trip took a bit more time then expected. So one short week after arriving I will be taking maybe a last Stealhead trip of the year (depends on weather). This time we will be taking camping gear and staying over night (BURRRR). Never fear we are prepared.

In taking inventory while packing for the trip I became very aware of how unorganized my fishing gear was after the summer. It is funny, but it seems that at the beginning of each season the gear is all in its place clean, neat, organized, and present. Now on the other hand I had to go and search for stuff and found most of it, but some was left behind in Montana. I guess because I really was not planning on needing it until returning next summer.

Nonetheless, plans changed. We have since lost jobs, like everyone else, moved to Walla Walla and now I need my fishing gear. Lesson hear, always pack your fishing gear with you wherever you go.

The Stealhead box has plenty of flies in it, but it never fails each new trip brings anticipation and panic that you may not have enough. In this case it led me to scrounge around in the garage full of boxes, rubbermaid containers, and a washer/dryer to find tying materials. What I came up with was some Prince Nymphs tied heavy and flashing. The patterns are tied in different colors as an experiment. Not so sure that this is the time for experiments, but I could not help it.

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