Saturday, August 28, 2010

Montana Dreamin

As part of my fall pox recovery, fish gods, have prescribed a trip to Montana. Part of this process is preparation or more precisely anticipation. When today dawned cool and overcast it only deepened the desire to cure the fall pox dilemma and the trip anticipation.

This morning the vise is burning hot with temptation. Hooks-ready, materials-check, time-yep coffee-hot, and beer-cold. Its going to be a tying marathon, so preparation is the key. Well getting to work. Thinking back of falls past, visions of many fine days of various mayflies dancing and fish rising in slack and shallow water fill the head.

Today the pattern tying will concentrate on sparse lightly dressed cripples and parachutes to match the fall hatch. In order to cover the vast options, small-(BWO), med-(PH), and large-(GD) will be the focus.


It may be hard to believe, but it is a little hard to concentrate on the dry fly action sure to come in Montana. Since fall has seemed to arrive Steal is calling too. What to do, it is a good time to be a fly addict.

Just checking the box and it is a little sad, so my days will be filled with a lot of coffee, numb butt, and preparations. Soon after returning from the September trip to the Big Sky Country life will be consumed by chasing big heads.

Options-got em:

Thanks to the great NW my addictions can be kept in check. Best micro's, trout, stealhead, whatever. Never will leave-ashes to the river when gone.

Gotta go now, fall pox outbreak, need to medicate!

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